I grow most of my plants in sheet pots. However, in an effort to recycle used plastic pots, I'm happy to take them off your hands.

I especially seek square 3" plastic pots. Often, you get plants from the nursery housed in these pots. These fit the standard plant trays I use.

I will gladly take ANY spare pots you may wish to give away, because I can always find something to put into them. 

Used Plant Pots

I need foster parents for my seedlings. That is, if you can take a tray or two into your home to grow through April 16, I would solemnly appreciate it. I have very, very little room to grow my plants. More than half generally fail because of the stressed conditions under which I grow them. I would prefer to give the seedlings a better chance to thrive. One that would allow more availability of chosen tomato/pepper/eggplant varieties for each Giveaway participant.

If you could see your way into taking a tray or two (or more), you would be helping not only me but all those who have signed up for The Giveaway. The trays are standard leak-proof 1020 greenhouse flats which measure 10”x20”. Inside the tray will be an additional mesh tray upon which the potted plants sit. The trays should be housed out of the weather and elements with plenty of light (natural or artificial). I don’t want to go into great detail here so as not to bore those who cannot help out or others who grow their own plants from seeds and know what to do.

If you can foster seedlings, I will also need you to return the plants with trays to me after April 16, but before May 1. I am unable to come and pick anything up. The plants are marked with numbered Popsicle sticks and without varietal names. I will be unable to give you specific plants. It’s all a matter of first to sprout going out first, and those trays with later sprouters will go out later. 

Foster a tray of seedlings

Copyright © Tomato Gal. All rights reserved.

Worm Food

The GREAT Tomato Plant Giveaway

As you know, I wrangle worms. They, their poop and poop juice are very beneficial to organic gardens.

My reg wigglers are voracious eaters. I am always scrounging something for them to eat. 

Their favorite munchie is toilet paper/paper towel cores (the cardboard rolls onto which the paper product clings). They make bedding from dryer lint. (I kid you not.)

So, if you find yourself with some spare lint and/or paper cores and would like it/them recycled in the most natural and beneficial way, bring it on over!

I accept it throughout the year at the office and will be glad to take it off your hands at The Giveaway.